Ecommerce webdesign example Couplet Coffee

D2C coffee brand making specialty coffee fun and approachable for all.

Our Business Summary: Couplet is a coffee company that focuses on making specialty coffee that is both enjoyable to drink and approachable. The company works with different artists, creatives, and muses to bring customers unique and limited edition coffee and streetwear. Inclusivity is a core value of the company, and they strive to make coffee for everyone. The company has a refund policy and offers free shipping on orders over $50.

Logo of Shopify

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30 Screenshots of Couplet Coffee website design examples

Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Homepage
Couplet Coffee - Homepage
Couplet Coffee - Account
Couplet Coffee - Account
Couplet Coffee - Blogs
Couplet Coffee - Blogs
Couplet Coffee - Cart
Couplet Coffee - Cart
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Collections
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Pages
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Products
Couplet Coffee - Search
Couplet Coffee - Search

Frequently Asked Questions

What eCommerce platform does Couplet Coffee use?

The website of Couplet Coffee uses the Shopify eCommerce platform. This platform provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing an online store. It offers a wide range of features and tools that can help businesses to create and operate a successful online store.

What technologies does Couplet Coffee use in their store?

Couplet Coffee uses a variety of technologies in their store, including Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Shopify Payments, Yotpo, Shopify Product Reviews, Bugsnag, Recharge Payments, Netlify, and Awin (Digital Window). Each of these technologies serves a different purpose and helps to make the Couplet Coffee store run smoothly and efficiently.

What does Couplet Coffee sell/offer in their store?

Couplet Coffee offers a variety of coffee beans, brewing equipment, and other coffee-related merchandise. Their coffee beans are available in both whole bean and ground form, and they offer a variety of different blends and single origin coffees. Couplet also sells a variety of brewing equipment, including French presses, pour over coffee makers, and espresso machines. In addition to coffee beans and brewing equipment, they also sell a variety of coffee-related merchandise, including mugs, t-shirts, and tote bags.

What target demographic does Couplet Coffee have?

Couplet Coffee is a specialty coffee company that is geared towards making coffee fun and approachable for everyone. Their target demographic is people who appreciate great coffee, but don't want to be pretentious about it. Couplet Coffee is inclusive of all people, and their coffee is designed to be enjoyed by everyone.


Simon is a web developer and designer who specializes in eCommerce. He has a passion for design and enjoys creating beautiful and user-friendly websites. He has worked on a variety of eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento. He is also experienced in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In his spare time, Simon enjoys exploring new technologies and keeping up with the latest trends in web development and design.


Author at eCommerce Lover

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Added by: Simon 1 Reviewed by: Simon 2 Date updated:

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