Ecommerce webdesign example Sant’Ana

Sant’Ana is a collection of CBD infused olive oils created to accompany the food you enjoy. Made by hand in small batches and comprised of rare and organic phytocompounds & polyphenols.

Our Business Summary: The website is for a business that sells CBD-infused olive oil. The oil is made with Greek extra-virgin olive oil from the island of Crete and is infused with whole-flower CBD. The oil is available in three different formulas, each with a different concentration of CBD. The oil is also available in a chili oil version, which is infused with three different types of chili peppers. The oil is independently tested and certified for its cannabinoid and THC content.

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24 Screenshots of Sant’Ana website design examples

Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Homepage
Sant’Ana - Homepage
Sant’Ana - Account
Sant’Ana - Account
Sant’Ana - Account
Sant’Ana - Account
Sant’Ana - Cart
Sant’Ana - Cart
Sant’Ana - Cart
Sant’Ana - Cart
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Collections
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Pages
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products
Sant’Ana - Products

Frequently Asked Questions

What eCommerce platform does Sant’Ana use?

The website of Sant’Ana uses the Shopify eCommerce platform. This platform is known for its ease of use and its wide range of features. It allows businesses to create and manage their online stores with ease.

What technologies does Sant’Ana use in their store?

The website of Sant’Ana uses a number of different technologies in their store, including Mailchimp, Shopify Payments, Shopify Product Reviews, Bugsnag, and Google Analytics. Each of these technologies serves a different purpose and helps to make the website run smoothly and efficiently.

What does Sant’Ana sell/offer in their store?

Sant’Ana is an online store that specializes in selling CBD-infused olive oil. They offer three different formulas of CBD-infused olive oil, as well as a pure, uninfused olive oil. Each formula is made with Greek extra-virgin olive oil from the island of Crete and contains a different concentration of CBD. Formula I contains 12 mg of CBD per teaspoon, Formula II contains 24 mg of CBD per teaspoon, and Formula III contains 36 mg of CBD per teaspoon. Sant’Ana also offers a single-estate, cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil from the island of Crete. This olive oil is classified as extra-virgin + and is extracted without heat or chemicals. It is also not filtered or blended with other oils or fillers.

What target demographic does Sant’Ana have?

Sant’Ana’s target demographic is people who want to improve their health and well-being by incorporating CBD into their diet. The company’s products are designed to be used in conjunction with food, and they offer a variety of formulas to suit different needs. Sant’Ana’s products are made with whole-flower CBD, which is a more potent and effective form of the compound than CBD extracts or isolates. This makes Sant’Ana’s products ideal for people who are looking for the most benefit from CBD.


Simon is a web developer and designer who specializes in eCommerce. He has a passion for design and enjoys creating beautiful and user-friendly websites. He has worked on a variety of eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento. He is also experienced in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In his spare time, Simon enjoys exploring new technologies and keeping up with the latest trends in web development and design.


Author at eCommerce Lover

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Added by: Simon 1 Reviewed by: Simon 2 Date updated:

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