Ecommerce webdesign example Youthforia

Youthforia is a clean and sustainable makeup brand that makes makeup that’s good for your skin and safe to sleep in. Made with plant based ingredients.

Our Business Summary: The website is for a company called Youthforia that makes makeup products. The products are made with clean ingredients and are plant-based. They are also sustainable and cruelty-free. The company makes a variety of products, including setting spray, primer, blush, and lip gloss. The products are designed to be good for your skin and the environment. The company offers free shipping on orders over $50 and has a rewards program.

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35 Screenshots of Youthforia website design examples

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Frequently Asked Questions

What eCommerce platform does Youthforia use?

The website of Youthforia uses Shopify as its eCommerce platform. Shopify is a platform that allows businesses to create and manage their online stores. It provides users with tools to create and manage their products, orders, and customers. Shopify also offers users the ability to customize their store’s design and add features such as social media integration and payment gateway integration.

What technologies does Youthforia use in their store?

The website of Youthforia uses a variety of technologies in their store, including PayPal, Klarna, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Shopify Payments, DoubleClick by Google, Quantcast, Shopify Product Reviews, zipPay, Bugsnag, LoyaltyLion, Okendo, Awin (Digital Window), and Google Analytics.

What does Youthforia sell/offer in their store?

Youthforia sells a variety of products in their online store, including setting sprays, primers, blush oils, lip glosses, and more. All of their products are made with clean ingredients and are plant-based and sustainable. Additionally, their products are cruelty-free and vegan.

What target demographic does Youthforia have?

Youthforia is a makeup brand that caters to young adults. Their products are designed to be gentle on the skin and to give the user a natural flush. Their products are made with fewer fossil fuels than traditional formulas for a smaller carbon footprint.


Simon is a web developer and designer who specializes in eCommerce. He has a passion for design and enjoys creating beautiful and user-friendly websites. He has worked on a variety of eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento. He is also experienced in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In his spare time, Simon enjoys exploring new technologies and keeping up with the latest trends in web development and design.


Author at eCommerce Lover

Portrait of Simon, Author at eCommerce Lover

Added by: Simon 1 Reviewed by: Simon 2 Date updated:

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